Thursday, June 5, 2008

Liver Fire

A random entry from a dictionary of Chinese medicine...

liver fire flaming upward [Chinese characters and transliteration deleted]
Synonym: upflaming liver fire LIVER FIRE characterized by pronounced upper body signs. Liver fire flaming upward is attributed to liver qi depression transforming into fire, to depressed internal damp-heat evils, or to excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods or warming and supplementing medicinals. Liver fire flaming upward is characterized by qi and fire rising to the head, and by pronounced heat signs. The main signs are red face, red eyes, bitter taste in the mouth, dry mouth, as well as vexation, agitation, and irascibility. Other signs include scorching pain in the rib-side, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, insomnia and profuse dreaming, reddish urine, and constipation. In some cases, there is blood ejection or spontaneous external bleeding. The tongue is red with yellow fur. The pulse is stringlike and rapid.

Wiseman, Nigel, and Ye Feng. A practical dictionary of Chinese medicine. Brookline, Mass: Paradigm Publications, 1998.

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